Monday, 27 October 2008

Keeping parents away from your friends list

Randomly came across this opinion by a columnist in the Boston Herald about why parents should stay off Facebook.

Facebook might shock your family, but it can spur a self-esteem death spiral, too. Like if you’re always the connector, never the connectee. Or watching a request go ignored. And then there are the godforsaken status updates. Not only are they written in third person, so everyone sounds a little like Sesame Street’s Elmo: “Lauren is . . . making breakfast,” they border on passive-aggressive bragging: “Amy is . . . volunteering at soup kitchen and working on her screenplay.”

Not to mention everyone looks as though they’re re-creating the Miley Cyrus shoot by Annie Leibowitz.

So true. Coincidentally there was a recent Desperate Housewives episode where Felicity Huffman's character Lynette Scavo pretends to be a teenage girl and befriends her own son on a social networking site. Invariably Lynette's son falls in love with her, in the wrong kind of way. When Lynette sends a break-up email to her son she accidentally signs it "Love, Mom", in a modern-day version of the joke where the kid writes his own sick note and signs it "My mom".

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